
Practical Management for young graduates


The module examines management from different perspectives: from existing theories to day to day practice, from conceptual approach to business challenges to a real simulation of business dilemmas. This module brings theory and practice together and shows how they can complement each other in understanding and responding to business situations. Participants will gain comprehensive perspectives of what it means to manage business challenges.



Gain insight on the historical evolution of managerial trends


Present day to day management perspectives, describing management key activities and proposing real life examples of what went well and what went wrong


Analyze key  thematics of management, describing management key challenges, proposing real life examples of what went well and what went wrong


Learning  objectives include  acquiring a pluridisciplinary understanding of management, being able to assess critically management modes and practicing acquired skills as a manager in a realistic context

Target audience

New manager or first management role for any young graduate entering a  for profit or not for profit organization


One day each

Management theories

From classical theories to modern theories

Human Resources  & Social

Leadership & Group behavior

System and contingency

Management in practice

Planning – long term & short term

Organizing – implementing plans

Leading – commitment of teams

Controlling – measuring progress

New managerial trends

Management challenges

Operational & functional management (Production/Sales/HR/Finance)

Business model and value creation

Change & Innovation

Crisis management

Management Simulation

Practice and fine-tune your knowledge and competences, carrying out a manager role  in a realistic context

Develop the right behavior to increase your impact

Via this experiment, you also experience collegial decision-making in group

Receive honest feedback about your interventions from your colleague participants and experts


Online (all but session 4) or on-ground; in full or each session separately;  2 half-days, or one-day per session

Target audience

Newly appointed front line managers, Experts growing into first managerial role,  Start-up founders and Entrepreneurs with strong growth

Get In Touch

9, RDC, rue saint didier
75116, Paris